Participant Story

Gloria Nyambok

Gloria Nyambok

Viewing Yourself from a New Perspective

  • Role

    Managing Director, KCB Bank Burundi
  • Industry

    • Banking

One thing that stood out was revisiting strategy. Looking at it with a fresh pair of eyes was interesting.

Ten years after completing her MBA, Gloria Nyambok decided that it was time to further her leadership training. As Managing Director of KCB Burundi, one of largest financial services organizations in East Africa, she was focused on the responsibilities of her everyday job while also looking for new ways to contribute at her bank. So she didn’t hesitate when she saw the opportunity to attend HBS's Senior Executive Program—Africa. She describes some benefits of the program.

Why did you choose to enroll in this program?

I became a managing director in 2012, and I had not had any other training since then. I'm the first female in the bank to be a managing director, and I'm always looking at how I can continue to grow and develop within the bank? So I wanted some kind of advanced leadership training to supplement my work.

How would you describe your experience in the program?

It was exciting. Discussing the issues in the case studies and looking at the world in a completely different way, that was quite interesting. I enjoyed it.

What lessons from the modules stood out the most?

One thing that stood out was revisiting strategy. I've covered this many times, but looking at it with a fresh pair of eyes was interesting. Another valuable lesson was the segment related to the process of innovation, because I think I had never really understood before attending this program that there is a whole science to innovation. So this was a learning point for me. And then there was my project: the business challenge that I chose was quite revealing because I was looking at payments. I learned a lot about my own target market that I didn't know, and that was quite exciting. Also, the discussions about negotiation were enlightening.

Was it useful to take a look at Africa from the outside?

Yes, I think it's always important to know about the world. I can't just be looking at my own continent. On the other hand, it's also important for other programs to include case studies about Africa because many people don't know the stories of Africa. Overall, though, this program did a very effective job of addressing different parts of the world. It was great.

What was your biggest a-ha moment?

For me, it had to do with innovation. It was fascinating to learn how people come up with completely new things that can actually make a significant difference in a business. That was eye opening.

How have you applied what you learned back at your company?

Since returning, I have had conversations with my team about negotiation skills. I have also looked at how I engage with my team and how I behave. I try to look at myself as a leader and evaluate how I handle things that come up.

Featured Program

Senior Executive Program—Africa