Participant Story

Claudine Joseph

Claudine Joseph, Chief Operating Officer, LL COOL J Inc., U.S.

Challenging Ideas in a Changing Industry

  • Role

    COO, LL COOL J Inc.
  • Industry

    • Entertainment

Advance your professional skills and enrich your personal development.”

Running the corporate operations for one of the world's most multifaceted entertainers is a challenge. This is especially true in an age when advancing technology and growing consumer influence seem to be reshaping the industry almost daily. That's why Claudine Joseph, chief operating officer at LL COOL J Inc., applied to The Business of Entertainment, Media, and Sports at Harvard Business School (HBS). She describes her experience in the program.

What was one of your top takeaways from the program?

More than anything, I learned to challenge the rules of the game and the way I think. This program provided real insight to help me make better decisions in my business.

Did the program meet your expectations?

Actually, the program exceeded my expectations. I found the open discussions of the cases to be very insightful and powerful while giving me a closer look at areas outside my specific industry. The case studies were all very detailed and informative, and I realized how I could relate my business to each of them. The classroom was a think tank full of different perspectives.

Did you have a favorite case study?

I learned a great deal from the Beyoncé case study, especially with regard to her approach to releasing her 2013 album. It was very smart, and through Beyoncé's leadership, her team was able to execute her vision in a disruptive manner. It demonstrated the power of superstar talent.

Did you find the living group experience to be useful?

My living group was awesome! I felt comfortable among an incredibly diverse global group that represented the various industries and sectors covered by the program. We were all very different, but we had so much in common.

What was the most rewarding aspect of the program?

I definitely benefited from the opportunity to participate in classroom discussions and share my thoughts in a diverse environment. At the same time, I gained a lot from listening to the different perspectives in the room.

What would you tell someone who is considering the program?

I highly recommend this program. It's a unique experience with intelligent people from all over the world. You will be impressed with how it challenges you and enriches you on a personal level.

Featured Program

The Business of Entertainment, Media, and Sports