Participant Story

Lizzy Bilasano

Executive Lizzy Bilasano sits in the HBS classroom

An Inclusive Space To Learn And Grow

  • Role

    Group Director of Strategy, Whalar, Inc.
  • Industry

    • Communications

There was a fundamental understanding and empathy that allowed us to gain value from every moment.

Lizzy Bilasano, Group Director of Creative Strategy at creator commerce company Whalar, had been interested in attending an HBS Executive Education program for some time. But before jumping in, she wanted to ensure that the program she chose would be the most relevant to where she was in her leadership journey. When Lizzy read about the Advancing Women of Color in Leadership program, she knew it would be an inclusive safe space to explore her authentic self, connect with new mentors, and help others grow.

What attracted you to this program?

At the time, I was just stepping into a new role as department head. When I read the curriculum overview for the Advancing Women of Color in Leadership program, I knew it would give me the knowledge and skillset to set a strong foundation for this next phase of my career. As a first-generation American and woman of color, I realized it was imperative that I do the work to understand what it means for me to be an authentic, values-driven leader in the workplace while continuing to sharpen my leadership skills to better serve my team.

What part of the experience surprised you the most?

My favorite surprise was just how candid and direct our cohort was from minute one of the program. Our group was composed of women of color who were both emerging and established leaders across several industries, and this mix of experience provided an added layer of peer-to-peer learning. We would comfortably debate case studies, challenge each other's perspectives in an open forum, and provide support and advice for specific challenges we were dealing with in the workplace. This was "proof of concept" for what it means to gather women of color leaders together in one place—there was a fundamental understanding and empathy that allowed us to gain value from every moment.

What were the biggest takeaways for you?

Leadership, especially for a woman of color, requires lifelong learning—and lifelong learning is most effective when you bring others along on the journey with you. As a woman of color, it's critical to lift others up as you climb the ladder.

I became more self-aware of how to balance my work identity with my personal values in order to effectively and authentically manage others. This is largely attributed to the thoughtful curriculum the teaching team built, and how the case study method inherently pushes you to dig deeper and ask tougher questions. But it's also because of the women in my cohort. I met several new coaches and mentors whom I am proud to call friends, and connected with new mentees whom I am happy to help grow. The connections we made provided invaluable support that goes beyond the duration of the program—and those connections continue to help me learn and grow every day.

Could you comment on the benefits of stepping away from work and home and being in the on-campus environment?

Many of the women in our cohort were working mothers. It's twice as difficult for a woman of color leader with a family to take time away for herself. Being able to step away from our work and home environment to immerse ourselves in the on-campus HBS experience allowed us to create the necessary physical separation to give undivided focus and attention to the program.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering the program?

Apply and jump in with your eyes and mind wide open. Take advantage of the inclusive safe space to unpack leadership ideals and pressure-test your ideas amongst a diverse group of women and non-binary folks of color who will give you invaluable perspectives based on years of experience.

Lastly, the learning doesn't stop when the program ends. Hold on to the connections you make, as they will be a vital resource for you throughout your leadership journey.

Featured Program

Advancing Women of Color in Leadership